Writing, Rewriting, and Editing

I know it has been two weeks since I posted here and I apologize. Many of my writer friends blog two and three times a week, and I envy them. Apparently they are more focused on a schedule than I am, but somehow I seem to be busy all the time. Most of my time lately has been directed toward  completing my second book, My Love Affair with Sicily.

So the good news is that I have finished writing the book and it is near the final editing stage. I say near, because this process is painstakingly slow, and has to be repeated several times. My editor is currently reviewing the last half of my completed manuscript, after I have already carefully finished the rewrite of each chapter.  She tells me it is looking much better, and that there are only some minor adjustments, so I am pleased. Yet, after this process, I will still have to make the necessary changes. Then I must format the final file in order to upload it to CreateSpace, since I am self-publishing, just as I did with my first book.

I spent two days creating my cover, since the resolution and size requirements are very specific. I am happy I was able to use one of my photographs that I took in  Siracusa and am pleased with the final result. I hope my readers will be too.

Once I submit  the finished interior file as well as the cover, I will be able to order two galley proofs within a few days. One is for me and one is for my editor. Each of us will once more review the entire book to check for any typos, formatting issues, or other problems. Once that process is complete, my book will be for sale.

I almost feel as though I am in Italy, since these procedures take so long, but the end result will be worth it. I had hoped to publish this book in early spring, preferably this month. It seems more likely that now it will not be a reality until the end of next month. My editor has a life too; although she is is dedicated to working on my book every day,  she has a family as well as other important things happening in her life as well. Patience is the name of the game, and for any writers who hope to self-publish I cannot stress this enough. Yes the editing and rewriting process can be very  frustrating but a necessary part of authoring a book.

 I will definitely let you know when My Love Affair with Sicily launches. I plan to publish it as an eBook as well as a paperback. It will be available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble and other bookstores of course. In addition, I will let you know how you can order a signed copy if you like. Stay tuned.

In the meantime, enjoy a few scenes from Sicily!

DSCN2810 (640x480) (548x412) Fruit vendors in CataniaIMG_1131 (640x480)DSCN2627 (640x479)

Isola Bella in Taormina

Isola Bella in Taormina


About Margie Miklas

An award-winning author, Margie Miklas writes medical thrillers and travel memoirs about Italy, a place which has captured her passion for travel. She is also the creator and owner of the travel blog, Margie in Italy, and a contributing writer for an Italian-American newspaper. A retired critical-care nurse, she enjoys spending time with her family, including her three cats. Her favorite place is the beach, and she likes learning new computer skills, when she is not writing. A member of the Florida Writers Association, Margie makes her home in Florida.
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23 Responses to Writing, Rewriting, and Editing

  1. Beautiful! Congratulations on finishing the book!


  2. imarancher says:

    Margie, I can smell the fruit, enjoy the cool feeling of the stone walls and taste the salty air of the Med. A feast in photographs. You do nice work!


  3. Brian and David says:

    Hi Margie
    David and Brian here from Vancouver. We met in Capri. We have been doing very well and just got back from our very best trip to Mexico, now at least 50 times.
    We are off to a wonderful trip to Istanbul, then Antalya and a week in Dubai.
    David is get getting very close to retirement (2 years) and we are going to move to an island just off the coast called Salt Spring Island. Check it out, it is very beautiful.
    I really am so very happy for you as I think we met you in your early times in Italy and you seem to have flourished.
    Just one glass of wine and thoughts of you for years.


    • Thank you so much, guys. I am so thrilled for your upcoming plans of retirement and island life! I will never forget you and every time I have a glass of Pinot Grigio I can’t help but think of you! Always grateful for having made your acquaintance in beautiful Capri.


  4. I am so excited for you, Margie! I know this process has been long and slow but I am really looking forward to the final result: your beautiful new book about Sicily! Your photos are just gorgeous. Hope you have a nice weekend. xx


  5. stephanie710 says:

    Love the pictures, Margie and I feel your pain. I can barely fit in one blog a week let alone the two or three I used to do. Editing sure has a way of gobbling up our time and energy but in the end, I know your new book will be amazing. Wishing all the best for you, my friend. Have an extra shot of espresso today. 🙂


  6. Congratulations! I have discovered that even though I am now retired, there still aren’t enough hours in the day to do everything I want to do. So just keep doing what you’re doing, and eventually, it will be finished!!


  7. Robbie Cox says:

    Congrats, Margie. I know it is a long process, but I am excited to see the end result.


  8. bellacibo72 says:

    Congratulation everything made with love and passion is a success


  9. Lyn says:

    Congratulations Margie. I bet the hard work will be worth it. Your writing is delightful and your photos are excellent. I wish you all the very best for a super successful release. Lyn


  10. imarancher says:

    PS Waiting for my autographed copy. Send prices asap. The friends I got a book for and the video have finally finished all the material. They are nothing if not through! They will love having a new one to peruse. And so will I!


  11. Penny says:

    Margie, congrats on the book! Great photos too.


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